Monday, December 14, 2009

How Long Does Implantation Bleeding Last For How Long Does "Implantation Bleeding" Occur On Average? And, Is This When The Pregnancy Hormones Are Made?

How long does "Implantation Bleeding" occur on average? And, is this when the pregnancy hormones are made? - how long does implantation bleeding last for

I can implantation bleeding and wonders how long? I have read and understand that this is different from a regular period (lighter / heavier), but not last as long or longer? In addition, the implementation of the bleeding in pregnancy hormones, is produced in the body, which is a positive HPT? Thank you.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Depending on the woman, but implantation bleeding is usually not long, maybe 1-2 days, and their light, as is usually the situation. Bleeding before wasting your time, in other words, the need to test too early to, you wait until you actually miss your period before the hormone is shown.

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